
I love making Christmas cards with non traditional christmas colors and the challenge over at CAS Colours & Sketches provided me with a perfect occasion to do so. The required colors are so rich and vibrant that they do all the job and call for a simple design. Hence, here is a super simple Christmas card with non traditional colors. Besides the fun of playing with this gorgeous color scheme, I’am also applying for a position on the Design Team.  

J’adore faire des cartes de Noël aux couleurs non traditionnelles et le challenge CAS Colours & Sketches de cette semaine m’a donné une belle occasion d’en faire une de plus. Le combo demandé est si intense, profond,  qu’il m’a semblé que la meilleure option était de faire dans la sobriété. Voici donc une carte de Noël minimaliste mais aux couleurs surprenantes. Par la même occasion, je pose ma candidature pour l’appel à DT lancé par le blog. 

Carte CC&S442 - P1270367

Carte CC&s442 - P1270371

Carte CC&S442 - P1270380

« Graphic Christmas Trees  » die set: Simply Graphic
Sentiment : Simply Graphic

Thanks so much for stopping by / Un grand, très grand merci pour vos visites et vos petits mots.

17 réflexions sur “CAS Colours & Sketches #442 – Colours

  1. Just stunning Cecile! I love your bold use of this week’s colours and this card is a CAS masterpiece! Thanks for sharing with us over at CAS Colours & Sketches this week – be sure to play along again next week to be in with a chance of the DT position!


  2. Your cards are always amazing Cecile! I adore what you’ve done with my colour palette this week – the gorgeous purple ‘white’ space, those fabulous stylised trees, the single sequin! Thank you for coming to play at CAS Colours and Sketches. Vicky x


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